Hi! I think I have the answer to the contaminated water question. The most common diseases in the food and water supply are Hepatitis A and Typhoid Fever. They're caused by bacteria and viruses that our bodies aren't use to.
I have part of an answer about my mom's question about the coast guard. Different parks have their own river patrol boats and to help with their funding they get private donations and grants from other countries like the US. When there is an oil spill they will call the US coast guard to help clean it up.
Mike C. pd. 8
Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, the people of these islands have to worry about getting several diseases from the water. Solid waste products filter through the rock and contaminant the ground water, and the population increase is speeding up the rate of contamination. This may sound really gross, but it is a reality the Galapaguenos have to deal with on a daily basis. In addition to diseases from the waste, the water is also salty.
I found out the Ecuadorian Navy patrols the islands. When we pulled into port yesterday, there was a navy ship in the harbor. I heard there are a handful of these ships patroling the Galapagos Islands.