Saturday, October 6, 2007

Red-foots & Blue-foots

I've decided to answer my own question from September 21st, asking about the red-footed booby. The red-footed booby, like the blue-footed booby, lives on the Galapagos Islands. Also there is another booby that lives there called the masked booby. As I researched this, I also found the answer to Savannah's question, about sexual dimorphism. You can tell which booby is the male and which is the female because of their voice. Male boobies make an asthmatic whistling sound while the females croak. Also the blue footed boobies can be distinguished because the females have a ring of dark pigment around their pupil (making them look bigger than the males). You can read more about the boobies on

Pam - pd.1

Thanks, Pam for the information. You are correct about the three species of boobies on the Galapagos Islands. And thanks for telling me how to distinguish the male blue-foot from the female. I definitely could have used that help today when I saw a pair of them at Tortuga Bay. Now I am ready for more field work!