I was wondering what type of animals live there? and How close you can get to them? Do you get to interact with them or only observe them?
Alex pd.9
Alex, a few entries ago I discussed the tameness of the animals on the islands. Even so, there are rules that must be followed. The islands are a national park, and guidelines must be followed in order to preserve the organisms and their environment.
1. No plant, animal, or remains of such (including shells, bones, and pieces of wood), or other natural objects should not be removed or disturbed.
2. Be careful not to transport any live material to the islands, or from island to island.
3. Do not take any food to the uninhabited islands, for the same reason.
4. Do not touch or handle the animals.
5. Do not feed the animals. It can be dangerous to you, and in the long run would destroy the animals' social structure and breeding habits.
6. Do not startle or chase any animal from its resting or nesting spot.
7. Stay within the areas designated as visiting sites.
8. Do not leave any litter on the islands, or throw any off your boat.
9. Do not deface the rocks.
10. Do not buy souvenirs or objects made of plants or animals from the islands.
11. Do not visit the islands unless accompanied by a licensed National Park Guide.
12. Restrict your visits to officially approved areas.
13. Show your conservationist attitude.