Jeff (period 1) has some information for Kevin about how the Galapagos Islands were formed...
The Galapagos Islands were formed about 4 million years ago. Underwater volcanoes erupted, and layer, by layer, the molten rock built itself up to the surface. There are now 13 islands that make up the Galapagos islands. 2 of them still have active volcanoes. (Isabella and Fernanadina)
I also have a question.
How did the land animal, like the land iguana, get to be on the island?
Excellent question, Jeff! Let's brainstorm possible answers to this question in class. We will see what your peers come up with!
I don't believe I will be going to Isabella or Fernandina, but I sure will remember when I am on their neighboring islands that those two islands are active volcanoes!
Spencer from 1st period wants to add...
The last eruption was on Isabela on October 22, 2005. Isabela and Fernandina are the two youngest islands and are the most volcanically active.